Thursday, June 29, 2017


As one way of engaging leaders with the aim of preventing violence against children and adolescents,  RIC-NET  conducted a dialogue meeting at Karambi sub county headquarters which  was attended  by 30 leaders who included the sub county Chief, Chairman LC3, CDO, Parish chiefs, District councilors, Parish councilors, Chairperson LC1, Child protection officer, and Para social works.
The leaders were presented with a brief report  of the project , a summary of activities undertaken by RIC-NET to reduce violence against children and adolescents and key issues identified during project implementation which included:
Executive Director presenting the issues of violence to the leaders

  •  Failure by parents to register their children at schools at the beginning of the year .
  •        Mid day meals not provided to school going children 
  •      Defilement cases not reported by parents 
  •  Parents not attending school meetings 
  •  Absenteeism of school children during market days.
The leaders in their response  said that violence is caused by poverty ,drought among other causes. The leaders made actions that are geared to wards prevention of  violence against children and these include:
chairman LC1 giving a suggestion
  •  Sub county calling for a meeting with head teachers to make resolution on mid day meals, absenteeism, registration of pupils, parent failure to attend school meeting
  • Head teachers to submit lists of parents who don’t register their children to the office of the CDO and be summoned,
  • CDO office to call a meeting with NGOs dealing directly with children to present some cases to be addressed.  


On the 28/29 June 2017, RIC-NET trained new ministers from OBusinga Bwa Rwenzururu (OBR) in the use of ICT. The training was held at Virina Gardens Hotels and later for hands on skill development at Clark’s internet center. 8 ministers, 5 males and 3 females attended the training.
hands on training at Clarks training centers
This is the second training in ICT offer to OBR by RIC-NEET. The contents of the training include, communication using ICT tools, developing a blog story, communication procedures, website updating. The members were also trained on web based or online reporting tools like the ODK for crowd sourcing of information to inform the institution on what is happening.
During the training, Ms Best Kambale the minister for education appreciate the online tools, they are faster in sharing information, she mentioned that one of the cause of the challenges we faced is the flow of information to the people. She agreed that since most of the subjects of the kingdom have phones, it will be easier for the spokesperson to share weekly update for public consumption. On the other hand the minister for protocol and palace affair Ms Florence Kabugho appreciated the training. “My phone has multi functions which I am now able to use…..such as uploading photos on the website, sharing short information from the community”.
trainer taking the participants through the ODK
The participants gained the skills to upload content on kingdom website and blog page, install data collection programs on phones. However most social medial platform for data collection require an individual having smart phones whereby some ministers were not having and cannot access at the moment thus they will be relying too few ministers for update.

Wednesday, June 28, 2017


RIC-NET with support  from Child Rights and Violence Prevention -Fund(CRVP-Fund) is implementing a 3 year project titled community driven approaches to prevent violence against children and adolescents in Kasese district.As one of the activities of the project, RIC-NET  conducted a training with religious leaders which aimed at equipping them with knowledge of good parenting that they will share with their congregations through seminars of married couples , training of newly wed couples , seminars of mothers and fathers Unions and to the entire congregations during preaching . The training was attended by  25(M-20,F-5)  religious leaders from different religious denominations (SDA Church , Pentecostal churches , Baptist ,Anglican C.O.U , Roman  Catholics and the  Islam ). The key aspects of good parenting trained in  include : parents responsibility in bringing up of children ,limits in good parenting ,role modelling in better parenting and violence facing children,parenting styles (restrictive style,fair and stable style, permissive style, and un involved style ).
Executive Director RIC-NET giving a brief about the project 
The facilitator /CDO Karambi during the training
The religious leaders were impressed by the project and thanked RIC-NET for the good work done in the fight  violence against children  which they said is common in their communities . For this matter therefore they pledged to work as a team on child protection activities,aspects of good parenting , integration of child protection issues in their marriage training, mass mobilization, meeting the youth camps and giving quarterly reports on issues of violence against children.
The Religious leaders during the session

Tuesday, June 27, 2017


The gospel of peace and co-existence is gaining more fruits and seeds. This was the revealed by the RDC Bundibugyo during the policy advocacy review meeting held in organized by RIC-NET on Land and Cultural institutions act. The meeting attracted politicians, opinion leaders, religions leaders and security. The cultural institutions act say that cultural institutions have no boundaries thus not limited to one geographical area. The communities in the area still think of cultural institutions with limited boundaries and to certain group of people. This is as a result of deceitful information shared from specific actors in the community with high personal interests, authority and using the community as ladders for their personal gains.
RDC making a presentation
 The RDC mentioned that there a lot of FUEL and Trouble causes” from individual person. These individual talk a lot of lies to the authority about the situation in the area, they have even lied to the public that all the land belong to OMudhingiya and Obudhingiya Bwa Bwamba (OBB). He identified two categories of people (the core elders including the politicians and leaders from the cultural institutions). These have gone ahead to attach public institutions and properties to OBB for example markets like KIbaluma in Kirumya.  Politicians have thus used this chance to cause more chaos because they use situations where people can be got easily.
He advised the leaders in the meeting to engage the two parties (cultural institutions and politicians into a dialogue where they can accept the truth and stop dividing the people. Bring out those personalities using the name of OBB for personal gains which create division among the people.
chairperson of the elders forum sharing experience.

A child is taught from infant culture and identity. We must teach our children the culture of hard work, respect of human life and good morals for them to enjoy the Uganda and bundibugyo of the future. Ms Iddah who represented the people with disability mentioned that whatever happens, it’s the children and women who suffer a lot. 

Therefore she advised leaders to stop using the youth into issues that are not productive and cause conflicts. Participants thanked RIC-NET for ensuring the conflicts parties in the conflict in Kirumya Sub County are brought closer.


RIC-NET conducted an advocacy meeting on policy review on land and cultural institutions acts as is the case in bundibugyo District. The meeting was held at Vanilla Hotel bundibugyo town council, it was attended by the RDC, politicians, ministers of cultural institutions (OBB and OBR), members from the leaders’ council, religious leaders, youth leaders, the media and opinion leaders.
DPC sharing what the law say about land

The matters discussed were on the interpretation of the land and cultural institutions acts where some members of the community have misinterpreted the acts. Community members say “Ekithaka ni kyethu” meaning the “land is ours” as for the Balonzo community while the Bamba community say “land belongs to the Omudhungiya”. The matter in contention is on the ownership of land. 
The constitutional interpretation of the land act has been violated. The land act itself is very clear on land ownership as occupancy.
The cultural institutions act say that cultural institutions have no boundaries thus not limited to one geographical area. The communities in the area still think of cultural institutions with limited boundaries and to certain group of people. This is as a result of deceitful information shared from specific actors in the community with high personal interests, authority and using the community as ladders for their personal gains.
ED RIC-NET sharing the cultural institution act

Leaders of cultural institutions was asked to always tell the people the truth and ensure proper flow of information.The participants identified the key persons in these conflicts and resolved for a dialogue meeting to resolve the matters.

 A statement shared is shared in the district council to pronounce itself on the matter such that people can understand it properly. Political and cultural leaders with the chairmanship of the elder’s forum to conduct community sensitization meeting in those specific areas where the matter is very pertinent. CSOs and government to organize radio programs that shall sensitize the community especially on the land and cultural institutions acts.

Friday, June 23, 2017


RIC-NET’s Executive Director Mr. John M Silco participated in the  training course on Child Protection organized by the International Peace Support Training Centre (IPSTC), in conjunction with the Eastern Africa Standby Force Coordination Mechanism (EASFCOM) from the 5th to 16th June 2017 in Nairobi, Kenya.
Participants in the Child protection Training Course

The course brought together a total of 27 participants drawn from Military, Police, Correction and Civilians (NGOs) from eight countries namely, Burundi, Ghana, Kenya, Rwanda, Sudan, South Sudan, Uganda and Zambia.
The course which was supported by the Government of Denmark had the objectives of enhancing the participant’s understanding of Child Protection (CP), developing strategies for the prevention and response to violations against children associated with armed conflicts, creating  a common understanding among the different  Child Protection  actors during peace Support Operations (PSO) and clarify coordination of different contributions  from several actors such as the  host Government, Humanitarian Agencies, Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) and  UN/AU. Children are not only involved in conflict (child soldiers) but are also victims of such conflicts since the children make up about 52 % of Africa’s population.
Receiving certificate from Col. I Jaldesa and Col. Claus Pedersen
The ten day course employed various approaches and activities including syndicate discussions, presentations, theory presented in a lecture format and observations among others which enabled participants to develop knowledge and skills required in Child Protection in PSOs. The course highlighted the conflict and post-conflict situations that expose the dynamics context that entails children protection during Peace Support Operations (PSO). 
celebrating our graduation as Child protection officers.
\A team of facilitators with rich, exciting experiences shared both challenging and enlightening presentations, case studies & stories, videos, pictures on child protection praxis. The various presenters brought out clearly among others the conceptual understanding of child protection, the six grave child protection violations and the legal frameworks and the expected responses from different actors in PSO. Participants discussed the integrated approach to different scenarios for children protection and dilemmas in different context.  They prepared the participants to appreciate diversity, doing the right thing and putting the best interest of the child first apart from self defence.

Thursday, June 22, 2017


Students of Kabango Seed Secondary School conducted a debate on the role of leaders in the peace process in the sub county and the district in general. Under the mentorship of their Patron Mr. Masereka Amuza and Amon Basaliza, the debate was conducted in the school main hall 115 students attended 49 girls and 66 boys.

student performing role play on action of leaders after debate
During the discussions, key leaders that were highlighted a challenge to peace was politicians and cultural leaders. The students were specific on the speech and comments made by leaders to the communities that tend to incite violence. Some leaders have failed to accept defeat especially those that failed in the election and are using the youth for their political gains. Such leaders offer the youth local brew and Kavera and involve them in wrong activities.

Youth have be promised a lot that can not be realized in the short and long run, such as ownership of land, jobs, property and taking leadership position. The students mentioned that leadership of segregation incites the youth to join different camps that cause violence.

A role play was organized by the drama group to depict the actions of the leaders in conflict situation and what actions that can be done to manage conflicts and human rights violation. In the play the leaders are seen in secret meeting and after give orders to the members of the community, and thus how those orders have disrupted development and unity in the community.

Teacher Amuza guiding students on actions
The youth that resolved, most of the actions they done are merely based on mob, peer pressure, family background and ethnicity thus its time to be individually responsible for every action that is done. Always ask leaders the impact of decision made by the leaders towards the youth especially those in school. 

Leaders should be the one at the forefront and youth to follow not otherwise. A human rights club was officially formed and launched in the school what will spearhead human rights protection and promotion among the youth. 


presentation of findings
Religious leaders from different denomination of bundibugyo district vow to “preach the gospel of peace” in the entire district. This was agreed upon during the training on conflict prevention and management and human rights violation that was held at the Throne of God church in bundibugyo town. The training attracted pastors, Reverands, Bishops, sheihk and catechists from Catholics, Pentecostal churches, Anglican Church, and Muslims under the umbrella of interreligious council.

During the training, the participants noted that conflicts in this areas is caused by individuals with personal interests and wants to raid on the back of the community, such categories were identified as politicians ,leaders from cultural institutions and individual self seekers. 

These people are raiding on lack of forgiveness, poverty in the community, ignorance of the laws, human greed, politics, low levels of education and cultural beliefs that exists in the communities.

Participants agreed that their work to preach peace should be motivated by the fact that we are accountable to God for the actions that we do. The evangelization process should be the save the community to protect their right especially the right to life and personal liberty to determine what is right and wrong for the good of the community.

group discussion.
Evangelization is also possible in peaceful community. Evangelization work is to be a brother’s keeper; therefore segregation of people based on clan, tribe, and nationality would mean failure to protect humanity. A committee of five religious leaders was formed that will conduct a dialogue meeting between the politicians and members from the cultural institutions


Ric-net conducted a dialogue meeting in Kitholhu sub county headquarters which brought all leaders on around table to discuss issues of violence against children identified during the implementation of activities in prevention of violence against children in the sub county. The meeting was attended by the sub county Chief, Chairman LC3, CDO, Parish chiefs, District councilors, Parish councilors, Chairperson LC1, Child protection officer, and Parasocial works.
The main facilitator miss Margret Kidima from RWECO, gave a brief report about the project and  presented the issues of violence against children identified during the implementation of the activities  for a discussion and way forward and these includes;
Mid day meals not provided to school going children
Defilement cases not reported by parents
Parents not attending school meetings
Absenteeism of school children during market days
Parents not registering their children at the beginning of year at school
Sub county not giving support to the schools of their jurisdiction
The leaders reacted by saying that, true violence against children is rampant in the sub county and on this they said parents are the most violators of children’s rights in the community because of negligence and failure to adjust their behaviors,  on this matter therefore the leaders agreed to continuously sensitize the community, work as a team to report cases of abuse against children, enforce the bye-laws put in place to prevent children from absenteeism, LC1 to monitor homes and see children who don’t attend school during market days and leaders working with parents to see that children are monitored from school and off school.

Monday, June 19, 2017


The day of the African child is celebrated annually on 16th June in memory  of the black children who were shot dead in South Africa because they were protesting against   poor education and the need to be taught in their local language .The day was instituted in 1991 by the organization of African unity (OAU) in memory of the children and other people who were killed and several injured in the Soweto uprising in South Africa in 1976 .The day also arises need for improved education for the African child  .The theme for this year was accelerating protection, empowerment and equal opportunities for children.
Rwenzori region celebrated the day at Kitarasa primary school in Kabarole district .
The celebrations were attended by many people who included local leaders ,civil society organizations, community members and a number of schools attended the event with children presenting messages about their rights, violence against them, need to be supported by their families among others .Among the schools that participated in the celebrations was Kyabikere primary school ,a school  located in the hard to reach , hilly areas that border Uganda and Congo in Bwera –Kasese district .RIC-NET supported the pupils of this school to attend this event  to expose children to new environment ,give them an opportunity to interact with other children and also give them a bigger platform to share  issues that concern them(children' rights ,violence against children ,discrimination) .Kyabikere primary school is one of the schools under the project “community driven approaches to prevent violence against children and adolescents in Kasese district . 
Pupils of Kyabikere P/S presenting their song
The guest of honor at the celebrations Mr. Rwabuhinga Richard the LCV chairperson Kabarole district in his remarks thanked the civil society organizations that organized the celebrations as this makes children feel valued .He further highlighted the same challenges that children in Uganda and Africa continue to face as : parents adamantly fail to provide for their children on the excuse of poverty when they spend all they have in alcoholism , children continue to offer cheap labour in tea  plantations and fishing sites to support themselves and their families and children being forced into early marriages to become mothers at a very tender age.He urged parents and guardians to avoid this and also put into action what the children sighted out in their presentations in order to have a better generation in the future . 
 The guest of honor giving his remarks
 The organizations that organized the celebrations include :Save the children ,RWECO ,KAANA foundation, BANTWANA ,RIC-NET, KALI ,FURA , GOOD HOPE , RIDE-AFRICA ,YAHWE ,SOS children villages Fortportal , ACODEV , compassion International among others .
RIC-NET staff at the celebrations