Tuesday, October 24, 2017


Following a storm that hit Karambi sub county in Kasese district  on 7th October 2017 ,houses ,churches ,schools and crops were destroyed .The key affected parishes included :Karambi , Kyasenda ,Kisolholho and Bikunya .People were left homeless ,sleeping on verandahs and others had to seek refugee at the sub county .
some of the houses destroyed by the storm

As a response ,on 22/10/2017 RIC-NET an implementing organization in the sub county provided support to key affected families inform of  items which included food staffs like rice , beans , and other domestic requirements like soap and utensils for the families to use as they recover from the disaster.One of the people who was supported with the items was over heard saying "at least we shall have what to feed the children for some days ".
one of the people leaving with the items supported with
This disaster in a way is affecting children majorly since parents and guardians are now  focusing on reconstruction of the houses there fore neglecting children (in terms of time , attention and provision of basic needs ). 
during distribution of the items
Its our humble appeal  that other stakeholders also come in to support these families to recover from the effects of the disaster .

Friday, October 6, 2017

Community members pledge to end violence agaisnt children in their communities

As one of the activities of the community led mechanisms to prevent violence against children and adolescents in Kasese district  ,community members organized neighborhood assemblies to discuss about issues that concern children in their communities .
The O.C police at the Karambi neighborhood assembly
Two neighborhood assemblies were conducted at Karambi primary school on 16/9/2017 which was attended by 106(m-30,f-76) ) and at Kyabikere primary school on 29/09/2017 which was attended by 119 (m-34,f-85) people  community members, OC police, CDOs ,local leaders and  religious leaders . Community members aired out their views in relation to prevention of violence against children and highlighted alcoholism and poverty as the common causes of VAC in the community. The common cases of VAC that were mentioned include discrimination, child labour and child neglect, failure by parents to provide lunch for their school going children  .St mark women’s group also passed their message of VAC prevention through songs and skits.
Key actions :
Parents resolved to share and involve their children in issues that concern their families.
Community members agreed to do all work for the development of their families according to their gender roles.
Community members agreed to always provide food and other school requirements for their children.
The people also pledged to always report cases of violence against children to the responsible authorities and to  always pack lunch for their school going  children .

St mark women's group presenting at the neighborhood assembly in Karambi


Two trainings with parasocial workers (child rights activists) were conducted  at the two sub counties of Karambi on 28/09/2017 and were attended by 27 participants (m-16,f-11)  and Kitholhu on 29/09/2017 and was attended by 21(m-20,f-1) . The trainings were facilitated by RIC-NET staff Murugahara John and Mr. Mukokoma Paul the sub county chief for Isango sub county  .The activists were trained in good parenting, the different categories of children’s rights, rules of engagement with children and the various legal instruments concerning child protection.
The participants during the training
Key actions
The activists resolved to continue Community sensitization on VAC prevention and good parenting using every opportunity they get (burials ceremonies, parties and other community events).
The activists to compile a status report of the different VAC cases from the parishes they operate by December 2017.
Participants agreed to have another meeting for compilation of the status report for the whole sub county on VAC in January 2018


A training of religious leaders  took place at Karambi sub county headquarters on 25/09/2017 and was facilitated by Mr. Mukokoma Paul. The training was attended by 38 (M-27,F-11) who included pastors ,reverends priests , model couples and leaders of mothers union in the different religious denominations (Muslims , roman Catholics ,SDAs, Pentecostals , and the protestant ). The participants were trained in theory of   prevention of violence against children and practical skills of better parenting  .
Mr Mukokoma making a presentation
Key actions from the training
The religious leaders agreed to mainstream VAC prevention in their counseling sessions.
The religious  leaders resolved  to form a team of regular attendance of the different trainings so that they are equipped with  more knowledge about VAC prevention
They resolved that they will transfer the knowledge acquired to their congregations.
The Muslims , SDAs  and the Pentecostal will select couples from their denominations to trained as model couples