Thursday, April 15, 2010

RIC-NET ATTENDS SNV Rwenzori Portfolio LCB

The meeting was in line with RIC-NET working as a Local Capacity Builders for SNV client CSOs. RIC-NET though without an MOU with SNV has worked on two documentation project in Economic development sector (Horticulture sector) i.e. the oil sector and pineapple wilt. This sector wishes to enhance increase in Production, Income and Employment (PIE).

An LCB is a local institution with shared interest to provide some advisory services to SNV client CSO.
RIC-NET intends to work with SNV in the documentation of content and information in the sector of education and economic empowerment these could include Newsletter, Brochures, Flyers, short video.

The meeting recognized that LCB need to have a stronger capacity in the sector their going to offer capacity building and be a legal entity, with clean project and good track record of financial management.

The issue of documentation of local lessons learnt and reporting was recognized still needing capacity building for both clients and LCBs. The information generated is co-owned by both parties.
The values that should be taken care of are: Diversity, Quality, Respect, Trust, Equity and People centeredness.
The following issues where to be taken serious by LCB: make time management an issue and report timely, advisory services was available at SNV that could be utilized by LCBs.
On the way forward:
• SNV should conduct an induction on work process methodologies
• MOU should be arranged for all activities that will come up in April to July 2010.
• A regular meeting for LCB bi-annually for feedback process among LCB, suggested date is 1st week of October 2010.
• RIS: special meeting on strengthening the RIS system; suggested date is May 2010.
• An on going mainstreaming of cross cutting issues on climate change and malaria.

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