Tuesday, September 18, 2018


Youth are considered as peacemakers and peace builders, or conversely, as troublemakers. They represent the future of the community. 78% of the Uganda population comprise of the youth and most of these youth are unemployed this pose a challenge to both the government, church and the entire community. In light of these youth in the school have been debating on role of the youth in peace process in bundibugyo district. 
peace clubs members of Kabango SS after discuion on role of youth in peace process

Debates had be conducted in the schools of Kabango, Bulambagira, three angels and Bubukwanga SS as well as youth out of school engaged in public discussions on how they can get involved in prevention of human rights violations.700 youth have been involved in these formal discussions.

It was realized that engaging youth in peace processes and socialization as peace builders early on is important. Bringing their perspective on the conflict as well as on how peace can be built, their experience and resources, not only help having access to a new set of knowledge but constitute an important experience of inclusion. It was revealed that the existence of supporting networks and communities by children themselves in those are that experienced bloodshed and a lot of human rights violations are key in healing process.
debating at Bubukwanga SS

It was learnt in the debates that discussion and interaction of children created supportive communities in time of need. Youth shared limited resources and created their own system of ideas governing the community. 

Youth provided each other with surrogate family and community, physical protection, and emotional support in ways that are also part of a peace building and human right protection.
debate clubs of Three angels and Bubukwanga schools

The youth called up their leader for proper guidance and encouragement, motivate them to work and provide platform that encourage participation in community decision making than simply talking about hatred and cultural values that are already segregating their friends. Relying on that experience and that potential in the peace building can be crucial not only for their own individual recovery but also for the benefit of their community.

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