The CDO Karambi facilitating |
one day training was attended
by 14 (m-9, f-5) Muslim leaders from mosques in Karambi, Kitholhu sub counties and
Mpondwe-Lhubiriha town council (imams, Amir (chairperson of the mosques),Amirat
(women leaders). The training was held on 24th august 2017 at Mpondwe
primary school. The training was facilitated by the CDO Karambi sub county Mr.
Bwambale Douglas Moses and 2 RIC-NET staff focused on the different forms of
violence against children and good parenting. The facilitators explained how
good parenting goes beyond providing for the children’s basic needs but to love
them ,be close to them ,provide encouragement all times to the child ,respect
and trust them as much as possible ,understand the uniqueness of every child,
be a role model to your children, discipline your children in a positive way
among other ways . They further explained the four major parenting styles which
include: very strict, firm but fair, permissive and indifferent /un involved.
At the end of the training the leaders pledged to share the information they acquired with
their congregations in mosques and conferences of Muslim mothers’ union with the major aim of ending violence against children .