Monday, January 24, 2011

Overwhelming Users turn up at E-Society this year 2011

2011 has began as a year of tremendous change at the E-Society (Kasese district Local government).
The E-Society resource center with technical back up from RIC-NET , at the begining of this year became so busy that the staff decided to modify the timings for their users who at times wait out especially in the morning hours. This was found out as an indication that people are getting more light about the usage of ICT tools.

"I regret for having not known the existence of this wonderful service here earlier than this, but never the less am here still to utilise the facility.Thanks alot to the management for this wonderful initiative"said one of the students of the computer literacy class at the center (E-Society).
More students have been enrolling for these classes almost everyday to get knowledge about the use of web 2.0 tools and computer applications. These students among others include primary school heads and their teachers, vaccation students, pastors and many more. the number has increased this year compared to last year.

There is hope that more and more users are coming besides the computer literacy class since the center offers other services like internet access to KDLG staff and the entire surrounding community, printing, photo copying, scanning, guidance and assistance to its users.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Information officer RIC-NET attend Uganda Community Libraries conference in masaka by Timothy

Information officer -RIC-NET (left with computer) attend a two days Uganda Community Libraries conference that takes off today the 17th January 2011 in masaka. The objective of this conference is to encourage Ugandan communities into a culture of reading to enrich the knowledge base of the country. The conference is supported by Uganda community libraries a national organization based in Kampala. About 60 participants all over Uganda who are running community libraries and resource centres have been invited. Ric-Net together with its county center Information Busongara has also attended the conference. more to come

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Ric-net staff train KALI coordinator on how to skype

"Its wonderful to work in an IT organization" these were the words of the coordinator KALI Ms Betty K as she received skype training from masereka Abdul the driver of RIC-NET. RIC-NET has for the last two years using web 2.0 tools to share information within and outside the Rwenzori region.

RIC-NET in its 2011 strategic plan has planned to train all its partners organization on how to use Web 2.0 tools to share information from their field activities and programs
by Masereka Abdul