Thursday, November 28, 2013


RIC-NET in partnership with Development Research and Training (DRT) with support from Development Initiative (DI) are implementing a project; the use of data/information for poverty alleviation in the seven Districts of the Rwenzori region. Under this project RIC-NET is documenting voices and case studies/ success stories of individuals and groups who have used information to  improve their livelihoods or reduce poverty in their areas.
Research indicates that access to information can cause advancement of socio-economic rights and development. In line with this, the partnership therefore also aims at pointing out the relationship between access to information and poverty eradication in the Rwenzori region. Approximately twenty persons are going to be documented; they include Civil and Political leaders, farmers, students, business persons, and CSO representatives. A video documentary on their experience in the use of information to improve their livelihoods will be shared with the different RIC-NET stakeholders through the different platforms like Information Centres, Youtube, community meetings among others. 

To kick start this project, DRT and RIC-NET staff on 27th Nov.13 visited some members of Bwera Information Centre (BIC) in Bwera and documented their experiences.Thrilling and turning point stories were shared and captured on video. Members shared the information and livelihood challenges they had before, what they did to overcome them-search for information, where they got it from, how they applied it and the positive impact this information has had in their lives/work. Here below are photos from the documentation exercise;
Astalhuzi a plant doctor and progressive farmer shares how information on management of Banana Bacterial wilt has reduced the spread of the disease and also increased her yields and incomes.
Astalhuzi a plant doctor and progressive farmer shares her experience on how information has boosted her goat rearing project and increased her incomes.
Alex Thabulenga explains how information to grow mangoes&manage their pests&diseases has improved his yields.
Alex Thabulenga sharing how Apiary has boosted his income.
 Baluku John, a teacher, and farmer  sharing how nursery beds -tree planting has facilitated poverty reduction in his life.

The BIC Coordinator Mr. Mapoze sharing how the IC accesses & shares inform with the community&the milestones registered so far..                    
RIC-NET Executive Director explaining RIC-NET's milestones in sharing information for poverty alleviation at RIC-NET Office.

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