Friday, June 15, 2018

Girls in primary Schools in Kasese appreciate parents’ involvement in the construction of washrooms

While discussing with senior female teachers on the usage of the washrooms from the primary schools of kyabikere, Kanyatsi , Kamsasa and Karambi, it was found out that the washrooms constructed by partnership of parents and RIC-NET under CRVP project were properly used.

There is total collaboration among the female teachers and the girls in the primary schools of personal hygiene. Girls are now free to speak out about their menstrual cycles, demand for pads is high (supplied whenever there is need and washrooms are always closed for safety), good hygiene is being maintained, absenteeism and escape has reduced however there are challenges like; Shortage of water especially for Kamasasa primary – school management has tried to lobby for a water harvest tank but all in vain and pads are out of stock in all the schools.
The schools managements are so appreciative of the parents’ involvement in the construction of some washrooms though others are still under way to completion and are devoted to RIC NET’ efforts in having all this done.
For most schools, there is a plan to hold the genreal parents meetings to provide feedback  and plan for another infrastructure to undertake under the project. Kyabikere primary school shall hold the meeting on  28th June 2018 if all goes on well.

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