Monday, August 14, 2017


FPAs conduct a radio talk show to sensitize the community on the international day of peace and how to keep peace in the community.  The talk show was one of the events in the International peace week events. The theme for the event is "together for peace,respect,safety and dignity".The radio talk show was conducted on Development FM in Bundibugyo and attended by 3 FPAs. There were 17 callers 13 men and 4 women, according to the callers. Rwenzori region has witnessed series of conflicts since 1960, later into the current bloodshed in Kanyamwirima,Ngamba and attack on the palace in 2016
FPAs in the studio of Development FM
During the discussion Mr. Agulika Julius from Bubukwanga highlighted the role of each stake holders in the peace process. He mentioned that the Key stakeholders are; politicians, leaders from cultural institutions, religious leaders and the community. That community has to be honest to each desist from being used. Religious leaders to continue preaching peace, cultural leaders to engage the people into reconciliation while politicians find solutions into dialogue with others.

According to the callers, the peace process is being destroyed by the leaders who practice divide and rule or are segregate in nature. Mr. Isebaswagha from Ngamba mentioned that security people MUST also be sensitized on the way they handle victims Ms Baruba Jane from Buunga narrated that OBB and OBR must come clear and not hiding the truth, “tell those leaders to cooperate with the chairman”.

Two groups were later supported to attend the international day of peace in Bwesumbu sub county Kasese district. The group was led by youth wing of the Bandimagwara cultural group.

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