Wednesday, March 1, 2017


District leaders of Bundibugyo held an interface/reflection meeting on community action to prevent and manage conflicts and human rights violations in the District. The meeting was conducted by RICNETwith support from Hivos. The meeting was attended by security personnel (DPC, DISO and CO of Kanyamwirima army Barracks); the political leaders led by the District chairperson and members from the CBOs and LCIII chairperson from the project sub counties; 27 members attended this meeting held at the District community hall under community development department.

leaders in the meeting reflection on community driven mechanism.
The meeting was a reflection on the Community Led mechanism to manage conflicts and human rights violation in Rwenzori region, Bundibugyo District in particular. The community based approach look at the bottom up solution to challenges facing the community. During the reflection, leaders from the CBOs shared their experiences from the interventions taken.  Among the interventions were holding community meetings at village level where members were able to analyse the Key players in conflict by identifying those with influence and power, cause of occurrence of incidences and how these cuases can be handled.

According to the DPC, issues that trigger conflicts were clearly seen as lack of knowledge and understanding, land tenure system, revenge on past actions and generalization of issues and above all mixing matters of cultural institution into politics of the land. There are individual persons who stay at the periphery but contribute greatly to the conflicts.

Members of the meeting resolved that there is a need to move from violent means to negotiation. One cannot run away from culture but they have to adapt to other peoples culture and leave peacefully. Cultural leaders have failed to understand the difference between belonging to culture and subscribing to a cultural institution. Bundibugyo does not belong to a single community; there are people who have settled in Bundibugyo but do not subscribe to Obundingya bwa Bwamba and they need to be respected and accommodated in their diversity. It was agreed that there is need to increase internal mobilization for community sensitization meetings, encourage good approach to solve conflicts, support psycho-social counseling for people affected by war trauma, encourage youth to participate in farming, improve internal communication among the leaders of the cultural institutions, rehabilitate the landless/homeless and ensure people understand the basic principles in the laws governing land and belonging to cultural institutions.