Proud to be U-reporters |
U-reporting is a free
SMS system that allows one speak out his/her mind about what is happening in
the community to the rest of the world to come up with a logical conclusion. As
a saying goes “A problem shared, is half solved,”
RIC-NET being supported by UNICEF continues to preach and encourage people embrace the new method of sharing information,to have their problems, grievances and complaints checked since those responsible will be held accountable using the medium channels within their reach.
It is everyone’s right and responsibility to adapt to the new method of information sharing and dissemination and make his/her voice heard. Do not sit back to for wait your leaders to speak for you, JOIN U-reporting now and be a change agent in your community by texting “JOIN” to 8500.
RIC-NET being supported by UNICEF continues to preach and encourage people embrace the new method of sharing information,to have their problems, grievances and complaints checked since those responsible will be held accountable using the medium channels within their reach.
It is everyone’s right and responsibility to adapt to the new method of information sharing and dissemination and make his/her voice heard. Do not sit back to for wait your leaders to speak for you, JOIN U-reporting now and be a change agent in your community by texting “JOIN” to 8500.