Thursday, August 25, 2016


CDO sharing her views
On 25th August 2016, RIC-NET held a sensitization meeting with the Batwa community. The meeting was held at Kasitu sub county headquarters in bundibugyo District. The objective of the sensitization meeting was to create awareness among the minority community to understand their rights, responsibilities and how to co-exist with the other communities living in the area.

The Batwa minority community in not represented in government, thus their voices are not fully heard. There is a lot of misinformation in the community, deceit, pride and lack of respect of rights of individuals especially right to own property, employment and participation in the political process. The current conflicts have led to violation of rights to marriage and association.

King Nzito explaining concepts
Nzito Geoffrey the Cultural leader of the Batwa highlight that, his kingdom has no problem working with the other tribes and personalities but what they want is other tribes and groups to recognize their identity and also be willing to work with them. “…we always welcome our visitors with courtesy but they can’t do the same to us…”

During the meeting a number of community led actions were identified that would improve the relationship in area these include, holding sensitization meetings with the elders from all tribes, holding dialogue meetings, forming groups that can sensitize the youth, explain the issues in the constitution provisions about the cultural institutions and the role of the kings in the socio-economic development. The focus should be to remove the superiority complex and feelings ethnic tribes have over others.

some of the members who attended the sensitization meeting.
The Batwa mainly stay in Kasitu Sub County. Other people who attended the meeting were, Local leaders, community development officer (CDOs) working in the areas of Kasitu, Ntandi, Bundimulombi and Ntotoro attended the sensitization.