Monday, August 10, 2015


As a way of reducing infections of sexually transmitted diseases, early and unwanted pregnancies among conflicted affected girls in schools, RIC-NET with support from Global Fund for Children and CEDA, is carrying out bi-weekly  reproductive health session and Psycho-social support in schools. Some of the schools benefiting from these programmes are Semuliki high school in Bundibugyo District, St. Theresa Girls in Kasese, Rwamwanja Sec School in Kamwenge District, Bujubuli Vocational Secondary in Kyegegwa District,Kyenjojo SS in Kyenjojo District 
On 10th August 2015 where 18 girls and two Matrons where were excited after  being taught about sexual reproductive rights and prevention of STD's at Semuliki High School.The girls and the two senior women teacher: Miss Muhimbo  and Miss Agnes shared experience and knowledge of STDs with the help of RIC-NET facilitator.

some of the girls pose with the senior women teachers after the session 
The girls were taught about the signs, symptoms and effects of the some of the most common STD's which include: syphilis, gonorrhea, candida and the deadly HIV /AIDS. Also the major causes of STD's were highlighted as: tendency of having multiple partners, failure to use protective gear (condoms) and increased experimenting on sexual acts. Some of the effects of the STD’s include: permanent damage of the reproductive system, blockage of the Fallopian tubes, cancer of the cervix, premature delivery and other many effects.
The girls were also given a session of asking questions about STD's and the facilitator Mr. Kombi Godfrey was able to respond to their questions.

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