Tuesday, April 26, 2016


"Learning never ends." Two RIC-NET staff Ms Kabugho Robinah and Ms. Mukasine Betty successfully completed a one week (18th to 22nd April 2016) course on 'Power and Voice' at MSTCD in Aursha-Tanzania.

RIC NET staff at the training centre in Arusha
The course provided the staff with understanding of power dynamics, and how this influences decision making processes; provided tools and skills used in facilitating communities to effectively engage with power structures and to improve the quality, equity and gender responsiveness of public services.
Dr.Marcossy emphasizing a point during a class training on voice
The facilitators stressed that one’s voice is meaningless unless you’re heard; one’s voice is the most powerful tool  that one possesses, and that power is not realized in a vacuum but in the presence of others.
During a field study at the EAC headquarters
Human rights violation is an indication of luck of good governance and the exercise of authority which includes adherence to basic democratic principles. 
At the end of the training the participants attained principles and praxis of  facilitating communities in actions and engagements that entail dealing with power and voice relations in demand for  good governance, respect for human rights and better service delivery.

Wednesday, April 20, 2016


Women have remained the main care takers of children from childhood, adolescent until they mature. They  provide sanitary material for their  girls with their meager resources as men seem not to take it as important.

The trainer Miss Margret demonstrating to the participants
RICNET through RWECO secured funding from East African Children’s Fund to supportCommunity Led Mechanisms to Prevent Violence Against Children and Adolescents” in Kasese district .
 A baseline survey was conducted as a basis of intervention revealing that parents do not provide sanitary material for their adolescent girls which makes them to miss classes during menstruation periods or even drop out of school as a result of stigma that is caused by fellow pupils. To address this, RIC-NET has carried out  training of leaders for 35 women leaders from women groups in Karambi and Kitholhu sub counties in the making of re-usable sanitary towels. These women are expected in turn train other women in their groups.

Women trying out the skill  of making reusable sanitary towels 
Some of the advantages of the re-usable sanitary towels are that they are cheap, can be washed and can be used for several months. However, high level of cleanliness is required and it should be washed, allowed to dry properly before the next use.